or fear of tightly enclosed spaces, is a very real thing. At Avala Imaging
Center, we always want to help our patients—in this case, those who struggle
with claustrophobia and anxiety.

How Avala Imaging Center’s MRI Helps With

We have invested
in a cutting-edge MRI scanner, the GE SIGNA Voyager 1.5T, is designed to
maximize productivity and work flow while delivering extraordinary clinical
potential and exceptional patient comfort.

With a 70cm wide
bore, largest on the market, we help to decrease claustrophobia most patients
experience during their scan. Our MRI machine provides next generation clinical
applications helping to deliver up to 8x faster results, reducing patient exam
time, while providing a quieter technology to reduce acoustic noise.

Patients can
select sound and LED lighting to fit their mood for a personalized experience –
including a skylight that mimics the outdoors. Through the integrated music
system and lighting patients are able experience their MRI scan in an open and
stress-free environment.

Below is a List of 10 Tips and Tricks For
Reducing MRI Claustrophobia.

Reducing MRI Claustrophobia

Some patients
who need an MRI exam are anxious about the process, fearing they will be
claustrophobic in the machine. When it comes to anxiety and MRI claustrophobia,
one of your most powerful tools is knowledge. Learn about what an MRI is and
why you need one. If your doctor ordered an MRI exam, it is because they need
images of the inside of your body to diagnose and treat your condition
properly. These images are crucial to your care.

Before your MRI,
you should also know that some of the MRI-claustrophobia-related stories you
may have heard are likely no longer accurate. Modern MRI machines are not dark,
closed off tunnels. They are well-lit, and they are wider than they once were.

But we recognize that MRI claustrophobia may still be an issue for some of our patients. At Avala Imaging Center, we understand.

  • That’s why we’ve compiled a list of tips and tricks reducing MRI claustrophobia and exam anxiety:
  • Learn: Be aware of what will happen during the exam. Familiarize yourself with the machine, its noises, and exam procedures. Ask your scheduler, doctor, and technologist any questions you have as they arise. Knowledge can be empowering.
  • Focus on breathing: As simple as it is, focused breathing and other meditation techniques have a calming effect for most people.
  • Cover your face: Covering your face with a towel or washcloth or simply keeping your eyes close can help you feel as if you are at home or in a different space. You can’t see where you are, so you are less likely to feel trapped.
  • Listen to music: In some cases, you can listen to music through headphones during your exam. This can help distract and calm you.
  • Try your own technique: If you already know something works for you, such as aromatherapy or a certain sound or image, ask if you would be able to use your own technique during the exam.
  • Talk to your technologist: You are never alone! Your tech can talk to you and you can talk to your tech throughout the exam. You’ll even have a call button that will signal your tech in case of emergency or discomfort. They will also give you updates as to where you are in the exam process!
  • Count: Another simple technique is counting. The monotony can be soothing, and if you count slowly, it can pass the time quicker than you might think!
  • Go to your “happy place”: This may sound silly, but if you think through the details of your “happy place” or the details of a good memory or a complex process, it can effectively distract you.
  • Bring support: You can bring a friend or a family member to be with you during your exam. Sometimes they can even be in the room with you. Be sure it’s someone who understands you and calms you.
  • Remind yourself who’s in control: You are always in control of your exam. You will not have to do anything you are not comfortable with and our technologists will help you with any calming technique you choose. Be sure to also investigate the open MRI and sedation options your doctor offers.

If none of these techniques have worked in the past, or if you think they will not work for you during future exams, sedation is available for those who have extreme cases of MRI claustrophobia. This sedation will not put you to sleep; it will only help you relax for the duration of your exam. Talk to your doctor to see if sedation is your best choice for reducing MRI claustrophobia.

Contact Us

If you have
questions about Avala’s Imaging Center or our MRI, CT, or X-ray scans, give us
a call AT 985.801.6216 and speak with one of our Imaging Center experts today.
We accept all insurances. A pre-authorization is not required for cash price

“10 Tips for Reducing MRI Claustrophobia: What Can I
Do?” Imaging Technology – MRI,  Inside
View – University of Virginia Health System, August 2, 2017,