It is the start
of a new year and the perfect opportunity for all those who have set health and
fitness goals to start making the changes. Life gets busy, but here at Avala
Physical Therapy we are different – we always go the extra step for our
patients. We have prepared a guide on how to start a walking program, so you
can meet your 2019 health and fitness goals.

Why start a walking program?

Walking for most people is the easiest way to get in better shape. It’s a great all-round exercise that employs the biggest muscle groups in the body and it’s an activity that most of us can do. Walking is good for the heart and lungs and reduces joint and spinal pain over time. Walking requires no special equipment facilities or memberships and you learned to do it a long time ago – so there’s no instruction needed.

Why start a walking program?

Step 1: First, the best way to start walking is to do it every day. We recommend picking something very easy like walking around the block in your neighborhood. This means you don’t have to go anywhere because you’re already there.

Pick a distance that you can do easily without getting out of breath or feeling sore the next day, this means you are starting at a level you already can do. For some of us that might be a relatively long distance such as a mile. For others the distance may only be a short stretch of a couple of mailboxes then head back home. The important thing is to pick a distance you can easily achieve.

Step 2: Next, walk that distance every day for a week. Commit the time to do it. Maybe get up early and walk in the morning or take a walk at lunch time – or even first thing when you come home.

Plan for bad weather by keeping an umbrella by the door. Bring your dog if you have one. Encourage your spouse or another family member to join you – this will help add family time to your daily routine too! If you’re more the solitary type, listen to music or a book on tape.

Step 3: Once you get to the end of the week, re-evaluate how you feel. Do you have any aches and pains? Any soreness? If you feel like the past week was an effort, if you are sore or if you have achy joints, consider reducing your distance by 10% and continue walking at that level for the next week.

Keep reducing weekly if needed to find your base level and build from there. If you feel good, continue walking the next week, but add 10% to your distance. Depending on how far you go, this might be 100 yards or 20 feet.

  • Why does this walking plan work? This strategy works for two reasons:
  • First it gets you in the habit because you are doing it daily.
  • Second, it gives your body time to adapt so you will not get sore or injured and feel like giving up. You can even advance by 5% per week if that works better for you.

The important
thing is to have a plan and commit the time you need to get it done.  Resist the temptation to double your
distance. Take your time and focus on the long term.

Once you are
getting up to some considerable distance like a mile, take two days off a week
then continue to advance your distance weekly on the days you are walking. Soon
you will be walking several miles a week and feeling great. Add rest days as
needed, focus on the total miles per week.

Keep a log of
your miles so you will stay motivated. Either a paper chart or a tracker on
your phone can be used to do this. Think about entering a 5k or a 10K to give
yourself a goal to work towards.

This strategy
works well for walking, but it also works well for any type of exercise
program. If you prefer to ride your bike – the 10% distance rule works for that
too Lifting weights can also be progressed this way either by adding weight or
repetitions weekly to your routine.

Contact Us

Looking for help
starting your exercise program this year or do you have questions about Avala
Physical Therapy or one of its programs, call and schedule a complimentary
consultation with one of our Physical Therapist experts today at 985.801.6265.

A physician referral is not necessary and there is no charge for this consultation.

Thanks for reading. I hope you found something useful in this week’s article. Check in next week for more tips and tricks on how to get healthy and stay that way.

Paul Jones, Director of Physical Therapy/Rehabilitation Services
Avala Physical Therapy